Wednesday 30 May 2012

Lyana's "Mask On/Face Off" Themed Headband

Here is Lyana wearing a customized headband by Headband Girls for her university's occasion at the Istana Hotel. The theme was "Mask On or Face Off" - something like everybody needed to draw some kind of art on their face. 

However, David gave her this idea of a headband with lace that would cover quarter of her eye. He decided to go ahead with lace as lace gives beautiful decoration or flowers on the headband. The feathers were added on the headband to make it formal.

For this, we would like to make Lyana our official first Headband FanGirl!!! Not that we're being biased but you sure look fabulously fierce with this headband piece :) *love love love* Thank you for trusting us to make such an important accessory for your big night!

Headband Girls by David Fung

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